Saturday, June 1, 2013

Each Moment, Each Choice Shapes the Miracle of Your Life

Eleanor Roosevelt said it perfectly when she said, "In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." Every moment presents a new opportunity for us to make a choice that will mold our situation for the better or the worse depending upon our state of mind. We can choose to either improve our state of being by our choice or make it worse. Life is simply defined through our choices and each moment counts. Life is simple constructed through a series of our choices that is fabricated into the definition of our character. Few people are able to deconstruct life into this simple conceptual understanding. Understanding life at this level is like looking at the board game of life; you can see the bigger picture and it gives you a greater advantage over your peers. Some will never be able to see past the immediacy of their problems or circumstances. They will never see that they are bigger than their problems, they feel that their problems are bigger than them. Thus they shrink inside their worlds and never look beyond. This causes them to stay consumed within their worlds. These stories are tragedies. Learn from them, don't live a tragedy live a miracle. Each moment you are alive is a miracle, each choice that improves your situation is molding the miracle you call your life and creating the dream you call your life.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Life is a DREAM for the WISE

Twenty eight years old and I feel better than ever! There comes a sort of polished womanhood and sophistication at this age. I feel like a bottle of wine that just seems to be getting more expensive over time. A rare sophistication and understanding of the world around me from the years that I have lived previously. Growing up in Vegas I have certainly lived a fantasy life. My eyes have seen the blueprints of dreams brought to reality. It has truly been fascinating to watch and take in such overwhelming experiences. I have been blessed to walk such an exciting journey. With each new day I embark on my own dream that I like to call reality. This is my life and this my movie. I am the director, Or am I? That seems to be a plausible question. I like to believe that I make the cuts and that I say what goes. An artist at my innate nature, life behind these eyes is somewhat of a whimsical journey. Lately, I've had a slight shift in my consciousness. I've been noticing something greater than myself at work. My ego would like to believe that it is the Great Director of this movie I call my life. However, contrary events have put this reality into question. It has truly been an interesting and awe provoking shift in perspective. It's a whole new world for me. A world that I no longer control. A world that is somehow dictated by something larger than myself. However, don't misconstrue my words just as Nelson Mandela once said I still believe that I am the master of my own destiny. I just now believe that everything and every person I meet in my life is a sort of destiny. That I was meant to meet that person and that each event and circumstance has a profound impact and ripples into my future. I take my life serious today and mental clarity and focus in each decision I make is of the utmost importance to me and my destiny. Each moment ripples into the future, every second counts, so get out of your head and into the moments of your life and make them count. Live the dream we call reality. As Henry David Thoreau said, To be awake in thy dream is to live the truest Life".

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Perplexed.... Don't Be Stagnant....

If you are in anyway perplexed with the current situation of your life. Do not be stagnant in your life. Sitting around contemplating your circumstances will do absolutely nothing for you. If a behavior does not serve you let it go. Observe your situation and determine what behavior is not serving you? Then decide what can be done to your routine to change your circumstances?You must understand that your circumstances did not happen over night and these circumstances will not be undone overnight. Thus have patience with yourself. Keep in mind that gradual change is lasting change. Each day make resolve to work towards making  changes in yourself to remove this perplexed feeling inside your soul. Whatever this emotion is that is making you feel uncomfortable, have comfort that you have the power to make it go away. Our mind is such a powerful mechanism we can control and dictate our emotions. Our mind is metaphorically similar to a pilot within a cockpit. Learn to harness your emotions in a healthy and beautiful manner so that it serves you. This is a fine art that takes many years of practice. A practice that is well worth taking up. Many people will never process their emotions. Instead they choose to blame the external world for all of their problems and they aimlessly search for happiness outside themselves. This is similar to searching for a mirage in the Sahara desert, it's a feeble attempt. Learn from other's mistake so that your path can be one of prosperity and warmth versus sorrow and pain. Until next time love yourself and others.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Miracle of Being Alive

"Many people are alive but never touch the Miracle of  being alive,"  Thich Nhat Han says this in an Interview with Oprah Winfrey. I am deeply intrigued by Buddhist monks and their profound serenity. Their way of living inspires me. A study comes to mind when I contemplate this interview. The study depicts a monk and his ability to alter his internal body temperature in order to spend the night in a freezing cave. To me this is absolutely impeccable. It just reaffirms the impact that our thoughts space has on the physiology of our body. It is so imperative to be conscious of our thoughts because they truly mold who become as human beings. We have the ability to change our world through our thoughts. In fact you can change your world within this next sentence if you really truly desired too. Desire is what truly motivates us as human beings. We desire things in this world whether it be the desire for another being or the desire to better ourselves and our lives. Realistically we should have the desire to internally change and live better because external gratification is never sustainable. As human beings we are intelligent creatures, whether or not we use this intellect is personal choice. We have logic and we have emotion. There is an old adage that goes logic over emotion. Typically an intelligent human being functions with logic over emotion and an individual functioning at a lower level of consciousness uses emotion over logic. Be conscious of this simple fact and break this inferior behavior. Constantly strive to better yourself with each new day. Grow like a flower in nature so you may blossom into the beautiful bright soul that you were destined to be.

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's not about the Money, It's about LOVE

Living in Southern California, it is easy to get distracted by monetary persuasion. Guys are constantly throwing what they own around as a means to show dominance or alphamale-ism. Little do they know that alphafemale-ism dominates in every aspect.  In any case I have pretty much seen it all and heard it all from living in Vegas. This isn't my first rodeo so I understand that money can't buy me love and trust me at one point in my journey I believed that it could. That only led me into getting engaged to the wrong man at the wrong time. At the time I was in love with someone else and I unfortunately hurt both of  them deeply. In one situation I should have had the strength to say no and in the other situation I should have had the strength to not give in so easily and I shouldn't have been so readily available. In any case, I hurt both of them deeply and one word changed everything for me. However, I don't regret that one word because I believe that everything happens for a reason. Every choice we make, every person we meet, and every avenue we choose to walk down it is all meant to be. It is important to have clarity of mind when making decisions. Each decision whether big or small alters our life in some kind of way, whether we realize it or not. Decisions ripple into our future, in the same way that an ocean wave ripples upon the shore. It is important to be conscious of this simple yet profound fact. Be present in the moments of your life, practice listening to the words your hear and integrating them into your mind. Stay connected to your heart because it will never lead you astray. Avoid letting outside opinions or superficial distractions influence your decision making. In the end these things will only cause you more grief and adversity. If your intentions are pure and you treat those around you well, you will live a beautiful life and even more beautiful legacy behind I promise you that.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

It is a proven scientific fact that energy flows where attention goes. With that being said where is your thought space. Does your mind wander in the positive arena or the negative arena? "The Secret," unveiled ancient knowledge that previously was only provided to the elite. Knowledge unlocks the chains of ignorance, and expands the mind to limitless levels of consciousness. The majority of society exists in the lower levels of consciousness. The general consensus of consciousness is what we typically equate to be the standard definition of normal. However, normal is a stasis term which has the possibility to evolve with human knowledge and conscious expansion. At the very core of our existence each human being is united by a common truth, a common understanding of our soul's consciousness. Have you ever noticed the similarities between another human being's experiences and your own? Well this is the very truth in which I am talking about. This truth is the truth that unites all of our journeys. The struggles and the adversities that we consider to darken our paths are the very things that unite our consciousness. These perils that we face are our greatest blessings but for some reason we still consider them to be our biggest curses. It is all a matter of perception; a way of looking at our particular situation. If we fail to see the dimensions of our existence, we will fail to see the dimensions of our existence. If we can not face our struggles, we will never see our joys. We must have the strength to face the tough times, in order to truly have the perspective to appreciate the luxuries of the sweeter times. Face yourself, stop looking outside of yourself for a solution that can only be found within yourself. Until next time be good to yourself so that you may be good to others.

Celebrities Can't Live Without Them

He tells me he watched the UFC fight. I let him know my friend Arianny is the ring girl. He shows me her face that is tattooed across his body. It is strangest thing to me to see her face staring at me from his body. She stares at me like the twilight zone. It so amazing to watch someone grow up and then become famous. Arianny is such a sweet girl and she has become internationally known for her work in the U.F.C. I am so proud of her, she has was worked hard to get where she is. I have noticed she has even evolved her brand name into a jewelry line. This topic has led me to me think all of the famous people I have met over the years growing up in Vegas. If I named all the people from working at the Wynn this blog would drag on. However, the list is pretty phenomenal. One day I was suppose to meet Yoko Ono but unfortunately her flight was cancelled. That would have been one of my highlights. I think the most phenomenal person I was ever in the room with was the Dali Lama. I never had the chance to meet him but I saw him from the distance and that was good enough for me. It so interesting the type of presence that famous people bring into the room. I mean they are only  human beings but the dynamic they bring is like a whirl wind of cosmos. Speaking of famous people I grew up with Julianne and Derek Hough were my neighbors in my childhood years. I only met them once at a neighborhood block party on the fourth of July. Their parents always had them out of the country dancing. Looking back I wish that they had been home more often. That way I would have been able to play with them. However everything happens for a reason and I firmly believe in that. Nothing in God's universe is a coincidence. The people we meet, we are meant to meant, the events that happen are meant to happen. So make good choices and good things will come your way. Chase your dreams and live a life beyond your wildest dreams.